May 7, 2019
Hi! I’m Trek, a Black German Shepherd pup! Aunt Rach came to visit when I was just 12-weeks-old. I’m a very good boy and already know basic commands. I’m loving puppy school every week and will grow up to be a very intelligent and loyal dog to my mom and dad! Follow me on instagram!
Since puppy life is hard work, I need to make sure I get lots of naps. The floor and underneath the coffee table are some of my fav spots for a good ole snooze, but sometimes I’ll lay on the fancy bed my mom got me just to make her happy.
Check out this #sleepyface.
My paws are pretty big because I’m going to grow up to be around 75 lbs!
I have big, attentive ears that are perfect for listening to everything happening around me because I’m so curious. Also, look at those little whiskers. #socute
My nose is always busy finding something new to smell. I’m learning the world is a great, big place with lots of people to meet and greet and smell! Mom is making sure I learn how to make new people friends the right way so everyone can easily see how great and how nice I am.
Aren’t I adorable? So are you. Let’s be friends!
This is my awesome big brother Gambit. Don’t let his sassy face tell you otherwise – he loves me lots. I always see him looking at me and coming over to check me out when he thinks I’m not paying attention or am asleep. Mom and Dad take good care of us and love us both lots and lots! You can see a post with more pictures of my brother here!
My reptile best friend, Leroy, lives in the backyard. I get so excited to see him every day when he crawls out of his hidey-hole or from under the bushes. He’s such a nice guy and is always giving me his vegetables, too. I don’t like them, but I can’t tell him that so I just eat them anyway.
Here are a few more of my favorite things:
2. Head tilts
3) Sticks! Any stick will do!
I also love snuggling and chewing on my blue dinosaur, eating a raw food diet so I can grow big and strong, tennis balls (someday I’ll figure out how to get two in my mouth at once!), and a good Kong full of peanut butter, yum!
Thanks for saying hi! Hope your day just got a little cuter!
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram! @trek_blackgsd
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