January 22, 2019
Welcome home, Landon!
Landon returned from deployment just before this family session and Shelby could not wait for him to get home and to get their family photos! It was a privilege to capture such sweet memories for them and I imagine the best part of all is having Landon home again! I love when I have the opportunity to meet wonderfully kind people when I wouldn’t otherwise cross paths with them, and Shelby and Landon and their little one are just those people!
On top of being lovely people, we also had a gorgeous day for photos! It almost reached 60 degrees and is the first warmer day we’ve had in quite a while. It’s been a colder fall and winter than I’m used to here in Colorado Springs, so we were all grateful for a near perfect day for the session!
Little Miss Alice was so much fun! She let us keep taking photos long after I would’ve anticipated her burning out. She loved pulling at the dead grass, smiling at her pup (who parents brought along specifically for her smiles – THANK YOU!), and just exploring what was around. She also thought it was hysterical to pull her daddy’s hair and smiled most while on his shoulders.
9 or 10 months is such a great age to get photos! At that age, kids are typically able to sit up on their own and are intrigued by everything around them but are not as mobile (and fast!) as when they turn one. This means I can generally squeeze in a few more photos than at a one-year session.
Shelby and Landon, thanks for being wonderful clients. I am so privileged to have the opportunity to capture these memories for you and hope you cherish them always. Again, welcome home Landon! We are grateful you have returned safely to your family!
©2023 Rachel Rumple Photography
Design by Kara By Design