Was I completely terrible about blogging in 2019? Yes. Facts. So, that means that at the time this blog is posted, little Miss Ellie has not only made her grand entrance into the world but she is like 9 months old and thriving! What’s not to love about these Indiana Dunes maternity photos?! Great friends. […]

Family, Maternity

July 16, 2020

Indiana Dunes Maternity Photos

family portraits


You should seriously consider a family vacation photo session! Angela is an expert at documenting her family’s life. She knew that she wanted to capture her family vacation photo session while visiting her grandparents in Puerto Rico. General family photo advice: don’t wait! You do not need to change anything or “improve” anything about your […]

Destination, Family, Portraits

July 14, 2020

Family Vacation Photo Session in Puerto Rico


These Monument senior photos and family photos were a combined session! We fit in a senior session x 2, family photo session, individual portraits of the four younger kids, portraits of the pups, and professional headshots for dad’s insurance business! This session was packed, but oh so FUN! We started with the pups. How cute […]

Family, Portraits, Senior

July 11, 2020

Monument Senior Photos and Family Photos

family standing and smiling at the camera palmer lake


Some of my favorite sessions happen when I get the opportunity to shoot on private property. These Florissant family photos were no exception. I love that my clients end up with photos no one else will ever have. Courtney, along with her husband and daughter, drove up from Texas to spend the week vacationing at […]


July 3, 2019

Florissant Family Photos


It started snowing in the middle of the night and didn’t stop for about 24 hours. It made for a beautifully white Christmas day, but made travel less-than-ideal. I will say, it was nice to drive amongst other people who actually know how to drive in the snow (I’m looking at you, Colorado). Despite the […]

Family, Personal

February 11, 2018

Personal | Rumple Christmas | Hicksville, OH


While Ben and Lauren were giving Eli his evening bath and putting him to bed, Josh and I were sitting (on the most comfortable couch, ever) in their living room listening to the giggles, singing, and laughter happening upstairs. Bath time wasn’t just for washing. It was for silly songs and hilarious exclamations. Bed time […]

Family, Lifestyle

February 11, 2018

Horjus Family | Lifestyle | Crown Point, IN


Disclaimer: most of these photos are of my sister’s awesome, derpy cat, Gambit, because he is hilarious and adorable. Also, some iPhone photos are included in this post.   To the best of our knowledge, the last time my siblings, Rebekah and Daniel, and I were together for Daniel’s birthday was in 2008. When he […]

Family, Lifestyle

February 10, 2018

Personal | Sibling Vacation | Los Angeles


What a family!! Ella is so evidently kind and also has an interest in photography. Aubrey is always aware of what her siblings may need and is willing to help. Samuel is a gently fierce little boy with a smile that will warm you down to your toes. William takes a tenacious approach to life […]

Family, Portraits

February 6, 2018

Salsbery Family | Ute Valley Park


Plans don’t always work out as we hope. Though I myself am not yet a parent, my teaching career has given me plenty of experience with children to know they have a way of throwing a wrench into your perfectly laid plans. Bryn, John, and their kids arrived on time. As they started piling out […]

Couples, Family, Maternity, Portraits

January 30, 2018

Wimberley Family | Ute Valley Park